Not the kickoff we expected

Oh dear friends how I have been putting this newsletter off… 

The uncertainty of these times has been paralyzing in many ways. The sudden changes in my daily existence has shifted from an empty-nester- globetrotting-yogini to prioritizing differently and tending to the important stuff. Much of it has been positive and good for us here in the cul de sac, with Esme finishing up her junior year of high school at home, Paul staying safe and healthy, me giving and taking online  classes in addition to spending lots of time working in the gardens with our quarantine family. And just like that - it is Memorial Day weekend. Not the SPARKfest weekend we had planned with my teacher Shiva Rea but yet there is still excitement with a wee bit of trepidation mixed in.

More than ever, I am grateful for the teachings of yoga and meditation. More than ever, I am grateful for the reminder to find joy and peace wherever I can and to celebrate what we have. To realize how we are all unified in this together is a beautiful example of both vulnerability and hope. This is why we must continue to circulate our positive vibes and come together as a community and support one another. 

     So while we ride out the next few weeks of the re-opening phases, I will continue to offer a weekly Sunday Zoom class at 10 AM. The room will be open for the first 15 minutes, creating a sacred space for sharing followed by a “Flow for All’ practice. This community class is donation based and a percentage of the proceeds will go to SustainableCAPE for their amazing work with the community and promotion of our local farmers as well as to the maintenance of our North Truro Studio.

Join Zoom Meeting

Optional donations thru Venmo

     There is a New Moon tonight and from what I have been reading, it is a heady one, but one that challenges us to seek ways to connect, to finally let go of fears and judgement and illuminate those shadows lurking in our souls. Let the New Moon be a portal of light and love- for ALL. 



An Exciting Time


Shiva Rea Comes to Truro over Memorial Day Weekend!